Let us help you select the right tree, source quality plant material, and properly install the tree. If you need a tree installation or relocation, we have the tree spades required to successfully move small and large trees, and if required we’ll even hand-dig and move.
We offer the highest quality plant material in our tree installation and relocation services and ensure you will receive many years of enjoyment admiring your landscape.
International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborists
The right equipment to relocate small and large trees
Let us help you select the right tree, source quality plant material and properly install the tree.
The simple act of planting a tree will bring many years of enjoyment for you or your clients for generations to come. The truth, though, is that it is not as simple as it appears.
A successful planting requires the following:
Selecting a plant species that is appropriate for the soil and environmental conditions of the planting site.
Quality of the plant material from a good grower and grown in the same environmental conditions as our climate.
Finally and equally important: careful delivery and proper planting of the tree.
Tree Relocation

Installing a beautiful 25 foot spruce.
We specialize in moving large trees. Our 94-inch diameter tree spade can move a 20 to 30 foot tree.
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